The Mother Line Healing Program:

Unraveling Generational Wounds

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Are you ready to start your mother line healing journey?

🌟 Your transformative, Mother Line healing program awaits 🌟

🌿 Unlock Inner Peace and Authenticity 🌿

Have you ever felt burdened by emotional scars from your past? Perhaps challenging family dynamics, strained friendships, or unmet expectations as a mother? They all leave their mark, the guilt and shame you carry feels so very real, but there’s a deeper truth: Your ability to form healthy relationships was shaped by your experiences as a child, a legacy passed down through generations.

Deeper Perspective: Gain fresh insights into your story, allowing you to make sense of past experiences and settle your inner world.

Process and release: Move beyond your current perceptions, shedding old patterns and releasing the weights you have carried for too long.

Authentic Connection: Find comfort within yourself and step into the true version you have always seen inside.

Through joining The Mother Line Healing Programme you will gain a deeper perspective of your story and be able to see it in a way that allows for you to make sense, to process and move beyond your current perspective, revealing a sense of inner peace and calm and a more authentic connection to yourself.

'Where do the lost daughters of wounded mothers gain their wisdom?'

Lets go on a journey of discovery together...

🌿 Are You Feeling Stuck?

Have you ever sensed that something within you is holding you back? An emotional undercurrent that triggers inner battles, leaving you overwhelmed and drained. Feeling like there is this hidden version of yourself that you work tirelessly on to conceal from the world. Yet deep down, you know it’s still there, an underworld of emotions tugging at your soul.

🌟 The Quest for Inner Comfort

Imagine a life where this inner chaos transforms into calm. The pain, guilt, and suffering, replaced by a soothing sense of peace. That’s precisely where the healing of our mother lines and ancestral wounds comes into play.

🔑 The Journey Begins

As you step through the doors of your past, a profound transformation awaits. Here’s what you’ll discover:

New Perspectives: Gain fresh insights into your lineage, connecting with the wisdom of those who came before you.

Intuition Unleashed: Tune into your inner compass, finding clarity amidst the noise.

Release the Burden: Let go of the weight you’ve carried for far too long and realise your true self.


The Mother line healing programme

Meet Martine Shelley

Hey, I’m Martine, I've been based in Devon UK for over two decades now. I live with my partner, our three boys and two fluffy dogs. Our life moves at a gentle pace, we home educate our three sons and we are lucky enough to be able to explore the beauty of Dartmoor and the coastline of the southwest to our hearts content.

But life wasn’t always this tranquil. A decade ago, my heart was shattered as I looked around at my fractured family. We did not feel like a healthy family and my maternal instincts were screaming out for resolution, no one was going to step in to fix this... and, Why was it like this?

Growing up in a military family, I revelled in the experiences offered to me. Yet beneath the external world, something felt amiss. I unearthed ancestral wounds that still echoed through our lives, an unsettling truth that sought understanding.

As a child, I sensed a profound calling, an inner knowing, guiding me toward deeper meaning. Why did these wounds persist across generations? This began my lifelong quest, an exploration spanning four decades, so far! I delved into the intricacies of human existence, gathering wisdom from diverse angles along the way.

My roles as a breastfeeding support worker and postnatal doula became ground for growth and insight. Holding space for women on their motherhood journeys was an honor and a sacred duty.

Piece by piece, I assembled the puzzle I had started in my mind as a young child, a fusion of healing and ancestral wisdom.

Healing radiates not only within me and my children but also through my relationship, family, and friends and over the past decade, I’ve worked alongside countless women, witnessing transformation and gaining a deeper sense of the importance of this work.

This is my soul’s work and it feels like the right time to start brining what i have pieced together into the world, taking the next step forwards in my own journey of growth and healing. Becoming part of the woman weaving their wisdom and intuition back into our lives through the network of sisterhoods we choose to grow with. 🌿✨


"Martine helps me with all the things a deep, meaningful relationship brings up. The depth this brings to my healing journey is unbelievable on all levels. Eventho, I have a great support system. I was missing something, and Martine has been able to give me exactly that all the way from another country. How cool is that! Thank you so much Martine!”

by Romy van Driel

"Different generations are ‘told’ that …..suck it up, don’t be so selfish…..hush, your father works hard for this family,…’re a big girl now…..don’t let anyone know….It was all about appearance and stuffing yourself. And it was ‘the way it was’. Martine questioned these beliefs and ways….and she non-threateningly asks where are you in all this? She gave me permission to see what was ‘not allowed’ and look at things from a different perspective. She gave me a safe space to explore what I would have never solely navigated on my own. She didn’t bring answers, she allows them to come organically. She didn’t question and drill, she allowed and stood as a protective element in a foggy understanding. Her guidance was not rehearsed or ‘canned’, but gentle and easy".

By Amye Clarke

"Working with Martine and within the incredibly supportive community she has built, has widened my understanding and perspective of just how much these pivotal relationships form huge parts of ourselves. Martine is an expert guide in gently encouraging and supporting people to look into and explore the Mother Line relationship in their lives. I have gained a much greater understanding of the importance of these connections and the impact it has had on myself and my maternal line"

By Aly Wilding.

"I had a 1-1 session with Martine Shelley today. We talked about where I’m at and current issues, which led to underlying emotions from my childhood traumas. Martine held me wonderfully, allowing me to express, guiding me with breathwork when things got heavy and helped enable me to find new solutions. I’m profoundly grateful for your deep felt understanding, nurturing presence and wonderful warmth Martine"

by Gabrielle Teaney

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